In 2027, Earth was devastated by an unprecedented catastrophe, leaving the surface uninhabitable and forcing the surviving population to seek refuge in airborne arks. Welcome to Hyperaustral, a gripping 2D top-down management game where you take command of one of these flying arks and must navigate the skies while managing the lives of your passengers.

Your mission is to pilot your ark towards a providential landing strip, all while ensuring that you don't lose all of your passengers along the way. Prepare for a challenging journey as a series of random events and in-flight problems will test your resource management skills and require quick thinking to avoid tragedy.

As the captain of your ark-plane, you have complete control and visibility over every aspect of its operation. From organizing tasks to resolving critical decisions through text-based interfaces, it's your responsibility to keep the crew alive amidst the obstacles thrown your way.

Hyperaustral offers a unique blend of strategy, survival, and decision-making. Allocate resources wisely, assign passengers to crucial tasks, and respond effectively to unforeseen challenges. Can you make the right choices and lead your ark-plane to safety?

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